Microsoft Teams outage on January 26, 2024

Teams[German]On January 26, 2024, there was probably a major disruption in Microsoft Teams that led to disconnections or delayed delivery of messages. Microsoft has posted the relevant status information in the Admin Center under TM710344. The problem seems to have been resolved in the meantime.


Microsoft made an initial announcement yesterday afternoon (January 26, 2024) with references to X – I became aware of this via the following tweet.

Teams issues

Initially, it was reported that a problem affecting several Microsoft Teams functions was being investigated. Microsoft wanted to publish details under TM710344 in the Admin Center. A few hours later, the information came that Microsoft had discovered network problems with the Teams service. A failover was carried out to remedy the effects. After the failover was completed in the EMEA region, Microsoft noticed some improvement in this area.

However, the problem appeared to be worldwide, so a failover was also initiated for the North and South America regions. However, this failover operation did not lead to an immediate improvement in the situation for all end users in the North and South America regions, as you can read here. There were signs of improvement, and Microsoft continued to optimize traffic through configuration changes.

Microsoft monitored internal telemetry signals for hours to see the impact of ongoing efforts to optimize the network and backend services. Four hours ago, Microsoft was able to see significant improvements or complete resolution of the disruption in many of the Teams features affected by this incident. Currently (27.1.2024), the status area reports that all services are back up and running. Microsoft are closely monitoring fixes and workflows to address any remaining impact from this incident.


Microsoft beobachtete mittels interner Telemetrie-Signale über Stunden, wie sich die weiter laufenden Bemühungen zur Optimierung des Netzwerks und der Backend-Dienste auswirkten. Vor vier Stunden konnte Microsoft bei vielen der von diesem Vorfall betroffenen Teams-Funktionen erhebliche Verbesserungen oder eine vollständige Behebungen der Störung feststellen. Aktuell (27.1.2024) meldet der Statusbereich, dass alle Dienste wieder laufen. Microsoft überwachen die Korrekturen und Arbeitsabläufe genau, um alle verbleibenden Auswirkungen dieses Vorfalls zu beheben.

Seems to have been a major disruption that made waves. Our colleagues at Bleeping Computer have reported here, and there was also an article at Was anyone affected by this outage?


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One Response to Microsoft Teams outage on January 26, 2024

  1. BradentonDeb2021 says:

    My personal Microsoft email accounts, on the live[dot]com and outlook[dot]com domains, were also affected. It took me two days to be able to send and receive email from them.

    I suspect this Teams outage is much worse and affects much more than Microsoft will publicly disclose.

    Bradenton, Florida, USA

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