Broadcom leaks email-addresses from VMware administrators; AWS is out as a VMware customer, relief for cloud customers

[German]Today we have a small collective article on Broadcom and VMware. Broadcom made a mistake and, as the company had to admit, they sent the e-mails of administrators at customer sites around the world for everyone to see. And at VMware by Broadcom, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has probably left as a major customer. So to round off the week, here's a brief summary of information that I've already had for a few days.


Eased solution for cloud service providers

On May 1, 2024, colleagues from The Register already wrote in the article VMware by Broadcom blinks again – this time easing change for cloud service providers that VMware by Broadcom had this time announced easing or concessions for cloud service providers. After all, Broadcom signaled that they would think about concessions for such cloud service providers.

Ahmar Mohammad, VMware's head of partner and advanced solutions sales, is expected to announce further details on the agreements for this customer group in early May 2024. All existing VCSP Premier Tier members are to retain this status and this will probably also be granted as a special exception for "partners who have not yet signed up for the program and who may have special regulatory restrictions or country-specific requirements for sovereign data (example: European Economic Area and United Kingdom)", it is said.

That sounds, according to The Register, like a concession to Eurocloud association CISPE, which has sharply criticized Broadcom and called for a European Commission investigation into its acquisition of VMware (see Is Broadcom going downhill with its VMware measures? Silent layoffs and CISPE calls for EU measures and VMware plans two Cloud Foundation releases, can they do it? CISPE complaint filed).

Another big change, according to The Register, is that partners who have opted out of the VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) program will be allowed to continue operating their cloud services until the end of April 2025. Some of these partners had probably not opted out of the program, but were terminated by VMware by Broadcom – had to close their clouds immediately and/or sign up for reselling white label services before this announcement (see VMware by Broadcom: (Vain) hope of the partners for a White Label "lifeline"?). Migrating to alternatives was virtually impossible for these customers – now companies have a year to sort things out.

Another change listed by The Register states that VCSP partners will have an additional month to apply for a waiver. This approval is intended to allow VCSP partners to continue the program or purchase white-label services from another partner.


AWS is out as a VMware customer

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offered customers the opportunity to book VMware virtualization there. Now there has been speculation that Amazon is ending its cooperation with VMware by Broadcom at AWS. The Register wrote about this in the article VMware by Broadcom blinks again – this time easing change for cloud service providers on May 1, 2024.

It was stated that several social media posts in recent days would indicate that VMware Cloud on AWS would be discontinued. Specifically, AWS would stop selling VMware licenses in AWS from May 1, 2024, but the service would remain available. For example, I came across this post on – and German blog reader Fritz writes in this comment that AWS has said goodbye to VMware as a selling partner.

Hock Tan, President of Broadcom, naturally reads this more optimistically in the article VMware Cloud on AWS – here today, here tomorrow,  dated May 6, 2024. Hock claims "false reports" are circulating regarding the possibility of VMware virtualization in the AWS cloud, which has existed for seven years. The service (Vmware virtualization in the AWS cloud) still exists and can be used.

But VMware Cloud on AWS will no longer be sold directly by AWS or its channel partners. This means that customers who previously purchased VMware Cloud on AWS from AWS will now need to work with Broadcom or an authorized Broadcom reseller to renew their subscriptions and extend their environments. Customers who have active, one- or three-year, subscriptions with monthly payments purchased from AWS will continue to be billed by AWS until the end of their term.

You can also translate it like this: Of course, existing subscriptions will continue – but Amazon has put the boot into VMware by Broadcom at AWS and kicked them out. AWS is out as a customer – we will see how many customers now renew their subscription contracts with Broadcom.

The Broadcom data leak

At least, a small leak incident happened at Broadcom. On May 1, 2024, they had to inform customers that the email addresses of VMware administrators were openly leaked in a circular email. Here is the email in question, with the email addresses concealed.

Broadcom-Mail 1

And below is the e-mail in which the incident is admitted (someone posted this in a Facebook group).

Broadcom-Mail 2

Looks like these are troubled times at Broadcom and in VMware management. But times aren't exactly calmer for VMware customers either – are they?

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