Windows 11 24H2: Fix for Synaptics audio issue on HP Prodesk 600 G4

[German]If you own a business PC HP Prodesk 600 G4 with Windows 11 23H2, you could run into problems when upgrading to Windows 11 24H2. The sound from the Synaptics audio unit is missing after the upgrade because the driver provided by HP causes problems. However, blog reader Markus Grosche sent me a workaround by e-mail and in the discussion area, with which you can "get sound again" (thanks for that).


The HP Prodesk 600 G4

The HP Prodesk 600 G4 is a business PC, still offered as "refurbished" with various features by used equipment manufacturers. The device can be purchased with various Intel iCore CPUs, RAM, SSD and with Windows 10 Pro or even Windows 11.

HP Prodesk 600 G4

German blog reader Markus Grosche writes that he owns an HP Prodesk 600 G4 with Core i5 8500. I deduce from various offers and this article that this business PC will be delivered with Windows 10 (Home or Pro) before or around 2020. Dealers will then upgrade it to Windows 11 when reselling it.

Synaptics audio issues in Windows 11 24H2

The blog reader wrote that the HP Prodesk models with Synaptics audio are widely available, as they are offered on the second-hand market by refurbished vendors for little money. But the model tends to cause audio problems.

After Markus Grosche updated his HP Prodesk 600 G4 (with Core i5 8500) from Windows 11 23H2 to Windows 11 24H2, the audio output was missing ("the sound was permanently gone").


HP currently only offers the driver 8.65.319.200 Rev. A on its product page as "current". According to Markus, the HP audio controls were already not working properly under Windows 11 23H2 (the service started with a delay of several minutes or not at all).

Driver from the Update Catalog

Markus Grosche then found various versions of the audio driver in the Microsoft Update Catalog. He opted for the latest Synaptics – MEDIA – 8.65.321.20 audio driver with a size of 116.7 MB. This is how to install:

  • Download the cab file from the Update Catalog and unzip it into a directory using 7Zip/Nanazip.
  • Then in the device manager click on Update Driver, then twice on the lower option and then on Disk and then specify the exact directory.
  • Ignore the warning and install the driver.

Now everything is working again for the blog reader: the HP audio controls are working properly, look different now and are available in the tray bar. Thanks for the hint, maybe it will help.

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12 Responses to Windows 11 24H2: Fix for Synaptics audio issue on HP Prodesk 600 G4

  1. John says:

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have an HP EliteOne 1000 G2 PC and after updating to Windows 11 24H2, my audio was not working at all. Your recommendation fixed the issue! Much appreciated.

  2. Tommy says:

    This fixed my audio issue thanks so much!
    i didnt trust the file you linked but found the same one via windows update catalogue and turns out it was the same thing so thanks

    • Ryan A. Melton says:

      Yo man I've been up for 4 + hrs working to understand what I am to do once I chose to download one of these links to start the update. Yet, I keep getting lost once it's within a Zip folder upon my system. I follow the steps the host provided yet, after the files are extracted somewhere then what? Then what is next to do please elaborate on that one? Because I'm damn confused.

      Even after what he said of going to the device manager & doing those steps it doesn't make sense from here out… (Then in the device manager click on Update Driver, then twice on the lower option and then on Disk and then specify the exact directory.
      Ignore the warning and install the driver.)

  3. Kris says:

    This fixed the issue on my HP EliteDesk 705 G4 as well. Thank you very much for posting, much appreciated!

  4. tiodie says:

    Thank you so much for your post!
    I have just updated to 24H2 and had no sound at all in my HP Elitedesk 800 G4. I downloaded the file you linked but I could solve the problem without it, just in case anyone reaches this post with the same problem.

    All I have just done is: Device Manager > Sound, video and game controllers > Synaptics HD Audio > Update driver > "Let me pick…"
    I had two options, "High Definition Audio Device" and "Synaptics HD Audio", selected the first one, OK to the warning and that's it, sound is back!

  5. Tim says:

    Worked on my HP EliteDesk 800 65W G4 Desktop Mini PC – Thanks you!!!

  6. Wooyung Lee says:

    I have an HP Prodesk 600 G4 and had the same problems after the Windows update to 24H2. It was such a pain to find out from Google for a few weeks. I was lucky to find your article somehow, and it saved my life. Thank you!

  7. 10Megaton says:

    Thanks for this – fixed my audio issue on Prodesk 400 G5 mini

  8. Merry Christmas says:

    Thank you, this saved me a lot of time! It worked perfectly on a HP EliteDesk 705 G5 Desktop Mini.

  9. tbx says:

    Thank you – working well on my HP Prodesk 600 G4!

  10. Bruce says:

    Worked great on my HP ProDesk 400 G4 after a series of updates including 24H2!


  11. Harvey Nusbaum says:

    My problem is that the Windows 11 update driver tools only want an .inf file and the file I download is .cab. I'm using the "browse my hard drive" option. So the expolorer window that comes up is only looking for .inf
    Any help out there?

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