Fixes for Windows event viewer bug (June 2019)

Windows Update[German]Microsoft has released several Windows updates over the past 10 days to fix the bug in the Event Viewer that occurred after installing the June 11, 2019 security updates. Here is a brief overview.


I have mentioned these individual updates in the respective blog posts, but there has not been a comprehensive listing so far. Some blog readers have pointed out in comments for certain Windows versions that there is a bug fix for the event viewer (e.g. thanks to Dekre). Others had asked where updates could be found.

I had it all on the radar, but as long as Windows versions were still unconsidered, a separate blog post didn't make sense. Today the last fix for Windows 10 version 1903 came with update KB4501375 (see Windows 10: Updates KB4501375, KB4504360, KB4506933 released). So I decided to create a separate blog post for my readers.

Some Background about the issue

Windows security updates released from Microsoft in June 2019 are closing numerous vulnerabilities, but also causing headache for administrators. As soon as the updates have been installed, the Event Viewer crashes, if custom views are selected..

Ereignisanzeige Fehler im Snap-In
(Click to zoom)

As soon as the error has occurred once, the event viewer can no longer be used. The reason for this is that the Event viewer snap-in automatically tried to load the last custom view selected during the next start.


I've discussed that issue in detail within my German blog post Windows 7-10: Ereignisanzeige hängt nach Juni 2019-Update (KB4503293/KB4503327 etc.) – a shorter English version is Windows 10: Updates KB4503293/KB4503327 kills event viewer. The article explains which Windows versions and updates are affected (virtually all). And I had sketched a workaround how to fix the Event Viewer at least (but no custom views can be used afterward).

A somewhat more in-depth approach can be found in the blog post Tip: PowerShell workarounds for June bug in Windows Event Viewer. Microsoft had confirmed the bug quite quickly and promised to fix it by July 2019.

Which updates do I need for which Windows?

The updates to fix the relevant bug in the Event Viewer trickled in between June 18 and June 28, 2019. The following list provides an overview of the relevant updates:

  • Windows 10 Version 1903, Windows Server Version 1903: KB44501375, 27. Juni 2019
  • Windows 10 Version 1809, Windows Server Version 1809, Windows Server 2019: KB4501371, 18. Juni 2019
  • Windows 10 Version 1803: KB4503288|, 18. Juni 2019
  • Windows 10 Version 1709, Windows Server Version 1709: KB4503281, 18. Juni 2019
  • Windows 10 Version 1703: KB44503289, 18. Juni 2019
  • Windows 10 Version 1607, Windows Server 2016: KB4503294, 18. Juni 2019
  • Windows 8.1,  Windows Server 2012 R2: KB4503283, 20. Juni 2019 (Preview Rollup), or use update KB4508773.
  • Windows Server 2012: KB4503295, 21. Juni 2019 (Preview Rollup)
  • Windows 7 SP1,  Windows Server 202008 SP1: KB4503277, 20. Juni 2019 (Preview Rollup), or use update KB4508772.

All updates are optional and are offered via Windows Update. If you want to install these updates under Windows 10, you must actively search for the updates in the update page. The updates should also be offered on WSUS or SCCM. For a manual installation, the packages can be downloaded from the Microsoft Update Catalog via the above KB numbers.

A fix for Windows 10 LTSC V1507 (RTM) hasn't been released yet.

What else should I keep in mind?

My tip would be to read the 'known issues' section within linked KB articles. Most updates mentioned above comes with serious side effects. If you decide, you can't install an updates, use the hints given within my blog post Tip: PowerShell workarounds for June bug in Windows Event Viewer.

Similar articles:
Windows 10: Updates KB4503293/KB4503327 kills event viewer
Tip: PowerShell workarounds for June bug in Windows Event Viewer


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5 Responses to Fixes for Windows event viewer bug (June 2019)

  1. EP says:


    the Event viewer problem is NOT fixed in Win10 LTSB 2015 v1507 caused by the KB4503291 cumulative update AND as of FRI 6/28 has not issued a permanent fix for it and the month of June is almost over.

    Microsoft is in danger of not releasing a fix for v1507 to resolve the event viewer problems and "breaking" their promise to post a resolution in late-June as noted in MS support article 4503291:

    • EP says:

      it looks like the event viewer fix for v1507 will be included in the upcoming July 2019 security update.

      I'm disappointed that MS did not issue a permanent fix for the event viewer custom views problem for Win10 LTSB 2015 in late June and MS did not update support article 4503291 since 6/13.

      perhaps MS should change the "wording" in that article regarding the event viewer problem in that article to an "upcoming release" rather than promising to post a solution in "late June" and not delivering on that promise.

  2. Qiana Jones says:

    I'm a system admin, and I've read so many forums but nothing helps our issues. I recently upgraded one of our standalone machine from Win 7 to Win 10 1903 OS Build 18362.356. The Event Viewer will not open Windows Logs except SetUp or Custom views. The error "Event Viewer cannot open the event log or custom view. Verify that event log service is running or query is too long. The security descriptor structure is invalid (1338). Patch KB4501375 is not applicable so I could not run it. PLEASE HELP!!!

  3. qiana says:

    Thanks for the responses. I was trying not too but I really don't have a choice. There is nothing online regarding this issue yet.

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