OneDrive Error 0x8004de40 (Microsoft 365 Business)

[German]Microsoft 365 Business users (or with similar subscriptions) may run into error code 0x8004en40 on OneDrive. The error code is categorized as a internet connection error. But there may be other causes as well, as a blog reader told me.


OneDrive error 0x8004de40

If you search the Internet for the error code 0x8004de40 in connection with OneDrive, you will get numerous hits. On Microsoft Answers you can find this forum thread from the year 2018.

OneDrive error code 0x8004de40

I can log into my OneDrive for business account online and all other internet based services appear normal. I get this error code when attempting to sign in on the Desktop to my OneDrive account.

I have been prompted for a password update today, and have completed that. I have removed and reinstalled OneDrive, which had no effect. I have been able to use the new password fine on my mobile device, which also has Office 360 for the same account on it.

OneDrive Error 0x8004de40
(OneDrive Error 0x8004de40, Source: Microsoft Answers Forum)

There is the suggestion to check the Internet connection, because the client cannot access the OneDrive drives in the Microsoft cloud. There are forum entries where the connection suddenly works miraculously when switching from WLAN to LAN. The OneDrive client version can also be a cause (banana software is known to ripen at the customer). This article provides e.g. different approaches what can be tested.

Suggestion of a blog reader

Via Facebook, the operator of Tecci, a computer home service in Großumstadt, has pointed out this mistake to me – thanks for that. They have had this error in practice with a Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription and documented it here. Excerpts of quotations:

Im konkreten Fall wurde ein MS365-Business-Standard angelegt und vollumfänglich für einen User in Betrieb genommen. Zunächst und für ca. 36h lief alles superb.

Später meldeten sich die in Betrieb befindlichen OneDrive-Clients stundenlang an, ohne die Anmeldung je vollziehen zu können.

Neue Clients liefen in den Fehler 0x8004de40. Zunächst nur im Netz der Telekom, später bei allen Providern. Ein (testweise) falsches Kennwort während der Anmeldung wurde stets direkt reklamiert. Die Verbindung zu anderen Accounts verlief unauffällig.

The operator of Tecci came across this MS Answers forum thread from January 2020 after hours of internet research. There user RicardoDC54 writes:


I ran into this issue today, and of course, found out that the error description is BS (connectivity is fine). In my case, this happened after a user UPN was changed. Anyway, what I did was this:

1) Go into Office 2016 (any app), Account, Sign out, then sign back in.

2) Close OneDrive, open it, try to log in. I got the error, but after 5 or 6 "Try again", it finally let me through.

So it was a change in the display name of the user of such an account that caused the problem. You can read the details of the procedure on Tecci – maybe it will help somebody.

Addendum: Microsoft has fixed now this issue – after the blog posts has been published – see the comments to my German article.

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One Response to OneDrive Error 0x8004de40 (Microsoft 365 Business)

  1. Icy says:

    "1) Go into Office 2016 (any app), Account, Sign out, then sign back in.
    2) Close OneDrive, open it, try to log in. I got the error, but after 5 or 6 "Try again", it finally let me through."

    Thank you. went trough all the "usual" finally this "trick" did it… unbelivable.

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