[German]After speculating about subscription and ad-financed low costs PCs from Microsoft, two annoying stories about that came into my view. An ex-MVP colleague complained about annoying attempts by Microsoft to put Bing as a search engine in Edge. And a blog reader pointed me to an annoying notification about "PC Training" in Windows 20 21H2, but it doesn't work. I picked up these cases in a separate post to show the possible "future of Windows systems".
Small review
Yesterday I had reported in my German blog post Arbeitet Microsoft an abo- und werbefinanzierten Billig-PCs? (English version Is Microsoft working on subscription and ad-supported low-cost PCs?). There is a rumor that Microsoft is probably working on a new business model for low cost devices that are sold via subscriptions and subsidized via advertising. Shall be enriched with "the cloud" and Microsoft is looking for a product manager for it.
I'll combine below two small additions that show how Microsoft is once again being annoying (and where the journey could go with an ad-supported offering at the operating system level). Also, because some people at the German blog post linked above already salivated at the keyword "cheap" and shouted hurrah.
Microsoft Edge sucks with Bing
The first episode hit me just as I was checking Twitter to see what new news was out there. My ex-MVP colleague, Barb Bowman, just got all worked up on Twitter about Microsoft's behavior with Edge.
It's about the notification shown in the above tweet that Microsoft recommends "browser settings" – and that is to please use Microsoft Bing as the default search engine. I interpret Barb's tweet to mean that there is no "Don't ask me again" option, so this prompt to allow Bing as the search engine in Edge is more common. Has anyone struggled with this repeated prompt?
Annoying PC training notifications
German blog reader Martin Fessler contacted me by mail yesterday about rather annoying notifications in Windows 10 about a "free video training". Martin wrote:
Hello Mr. Born,
it was new to me that Microsoft offers free video training and advertises this (unfortunately) via the Windows notifications.
Was "graced" with this today in an English Win10 21H1.
Martin then pointed me to this Microsoft Answers forum thread, where he also answered the initial post. The thread starter Felix Kwok wrote about it:
How do you disable the "Schedule pc training session" notification?
Every few days or so I get a notification for "PC training" but I don't know what setting is causing this to happen. How do you disable this? When I click on the notification it doesn't even bring me to anywhere.
In classic Microsoft fashion (doesn't work, but is repeated again and again), the user gets this "PC training notification" every few days. When he clicks on the notification, nothing happens to him. The thread starter then posted another screenshot as an addendum and wrote that it must be coming from "Suggested".
The thread starter writes that the notification does not take him further when clicked. Martin Fessler writes in a reply in the thread that the Lern more button takes him to the Online Computer shopping appointments page (see the following screenshot).
It is a store page operated by Microsoft USA, where people can get advice from "Microsoft's experts" when buying gifts. There are also two other entries hidden in the navigation bar, Setup and Training, where you can let these experts guide you through the setup and through a training. It is always offered to book a free setup or training appointment.
According to the motto: "Came to torture you", there is indeed a No thanks button in the notification window outlined above. However, I interpret the post in Microsoft Answers to mean that this notification is repeated to the affected person every few days. Martin Fessler added within a 2nd mail:
The notifications of the "Suggested" sender can of course be adjusted or turned off completely.
But it is still annoying that you are bothered with it at all.
Microsoft would be better advised to use the staff as product testers.But we customers already do that – completely free of charge and (mostly) for nothing. :-|
Both cases seem to refer to English Windows versions (not sure about Edge). With the "PC training" it could be an A/B test for a few users, which will then be expanded before the holidays. Do any of you know more about the respective cases?
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Is Microsoft working on subscription and ad-supported low-cost PCs?
Fortunately, most annoyances in Windows can be turned off. I started a collection of registry entries for this: https://medium.com/@damiel_gc/stop-bugging-me-f8eb21ac1e72
I also have this ad in my search suggestions in search box which i don't like it and i also get some ads like buy Minecraft, join xbox etc
New win 10 OS install on new motherboard. I denied all attempts to spy/track me on install so that is a dozen or more attempts to do so before you even install the OS.
Their UI changes to trick the user into accidentally allowing stuff anyway i dd not fall for. I trust M$ about as far as i can throw them. This was not always the case but started in win 7 during late game end of OS days. That is when spying picked up via "telemetry".
After install i go through the privacy settings since i know microsoft has zero respect for my privacy and if i do want even a little bit of it i have to deny any and everything on that page.
I also use O and O Shutup so there should be nothing getting through.
No location tracking. No you are not getting access to my camera, that i dont even have. All this goes for apps as well. I have everything denied on that page. I have no mic and no camera so can safely turn off all that crap.
Nothing is enabled on that "Privacy" page. No notifications for anything.
Yet M$ is pushing ads for Bing/search engine via the bottom right notification box. I have everything turned off. How are they allowed to push anything with everything denied?
Thanks to damiel above i have a few more annoyance removals for my page which includes all logs written to my SSD being stopped, the sandboxing of windows defender.
October 2025 when windows 10 dies i am leaving windows after using it since before windows 95. I used MSDOS and DRDOS on an Intel 8088. That was my first computer that i really started using. The VIC 20 and commodore 64 days do not count.
I am migrating to linux. Windows with its naggin, disrespect and inability to accept choices we made is responsible for me leaving. They have ruined my experience on the platform. I studied hard for my certs but they can take a hike, I am switching teams now and gonna start getting some linux certs.
Well done Microsoft!
Linux, brought to you by Microsoft ™
That is my saying.