Tag Archives: device

Lenovo ThinkPad: UEFI settings bricks devices

[German]Owners of current Lenovo ThinkPad models who changes some UEFI/BIOS settings run the risk of breaking their devices. Here is some information. Advertising

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Beware of BIOS Update 0373 for Intel NUCs

[German]Owners of an Intel NUC with Broadwell CPUs should be careful with a BIOS update to version RYBDWi35.86A. This may cause the system to stop booting.  Advertising

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Windows 10: New 2,000 device limit for Store?

There is a rumor, that Windows Store device limit for Windows 10 has been increased from 10 to 2,000. Here are a few details. Advertising

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Windows 10 error ‘Device not migrated’

[German]Some Windows 10 users are facing a nasty problem. After upgrading from a previous Windows to Windows 10, some devices are not working. Device manager is showing a 'Device not migrated' message. Advertising

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