[German]The list of discontinued Windows features that will be removed in future is getting longer and longer every day. After Cortana and the WebDAV client were already discontinued in November 2023, Microsoft also declared the speech recognition introduced in Windows Vista as "deprecated" at the beginning of December 2023. This was followed by the legacy console mode and now the "Mixed Reality" mode in Windows under Windows as been declared as deprecated. Same is also happening in Edge, where the Defender Application Guard has been declared deprecated.
End of a hype topic
I came across a note on the Internet at neowin.net that Microsoft has classified Windows Mixed Reality mode as obsolete on the Deprecated Windows Features page and is no longer updating it. It states that Windows Mixed Reality is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of Windows. This includes the Mixed Reality Portal app and Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR and Steam VR Beta.
I still remember that this Mixed Reality mode was touted by Microsoft for Windows 10. In March 2017 Mixed Reality came into Windows 10 Insider build 15048. It should be the next big thing, Virtual Reality with Windows Holographic in Windows 10. You need VR glasses or a VR headset to use virtual reality.
The question "who needs something like this outside of certain scenarios, such as VR in development or production" was already a question I was asking me. Since that time we could see a decline of this topic, and now Microsoft pulls the plug. They can remove now the VR code from future Windows versions.
Defender Application Guard for Edge depreacted
I hadn't discussed it separately these days – for weeks, we've been reading announcements about Defender Application Guard for various products such as Office 365 etc. A few days ago, Microsoft declared the Microsoft Defender Application Guard, including the Windows Isolated App Launcher APIs, for Microsoft Edge for Business as obsolete on the page with deprecated Windows features and announced that this "deprecated" feature would no longer be updated.
The Microsoft Defender Application Guard pages linked under Deprecated Feature have already been removed and the links throw a 404 error. A description of the Microsoft Defender Application Guard can still be found on this website.
With Microsoft Edge, Application Guard was designed to help isolate company-defined untrusted websites to protect an organization while employees surf the web. Administrators could define what belongs to trusted websites, cloud resources and internal networks. Anything not on your list is considered untrusted. If an employee accesses an untrusted website via Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge opens the website in an isolated Hyper-V-enabled container. According to this document, this protection will be implemented in future with build-in security features.
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