[German]New problem with the tool CCleaner Version 5.69. The program deletes files of Firefox 79 extensions, in which data or settings are stored, when cleaning. Here are a few details about this free software for Windows and a workaround.
I had already seen it, and German blog reader Gerold left a comment about this problem in the blog (thanks).
The current version 5.69 of CCleaner deletes extension data from Firefox 79, affected are "storage-sync-v2.sqlite-shm" and "storage-sync-v2.sqlite-wal".
The problem was already reported to the developers in July, when Firefox 79 was still in beta status.
The people from Techdows noticed this and they published a post about the problem.
Changes in Firefox 79
Mozilla's developers have implemented a synchronization of extension settings in Firefox from version 79 on via a user account. Whoever logs on to his Firefox account will have the extensions and other data synchronized with all devices. This concerns "items that store extensions in this area (Storage.sync)".
When an extension tries to access storage sync data in Firefox for the first time, the extension data stored in profiles is automatically migrated and the data is stored locally in the new file "storage-sync2.sqlite" in the profile directory. The following screenshot shows the three new files.
(Firefox 79 files, Source: Piriform forum)
The CCleaner problem with Firefox 79
Techdows writes in this article, that the CCleaner cleans the Firefox internet cache by default. When cleaning in the background, the CCleaner erroneously removes exactly these setting data of the Firefox extensions, what breaks some things.
(Deleting the Firefox files, Source: Techdows)
However, the user can explicitly exclude this cleanup of Firefox files in the CCleaner user interface on the Applications tab. Techdows describes in more detail how to exclude the files from the cleanup.
This problem was already reported to Piriform, the developers of CCleaner, in this forum post in July 2020 while Firefox was still in beta testing. The change is not yet reflected in the CCleaner (up to version 5.69.) It is again a proof to keep your hands off such tools.
Remarks about the CCleaner
Cleaner is a free tool for cleaning up Windows – Wikipedia writes here about 'optimization'. Some hints on what is 'cleaned and optimized' can be found under Askvg. I don't like this part (I've met too many people in forums who have used it to clean their systems to the breaking point) and see CCleaner more as a kind of snake oil (not really necessary, but the tool is very popular among users).
(Source: Talos)
In my blog posts about the CCleaner (see link list at the end of the article), I advise you to keep your hands off this tool. But every user makes his own decision.
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FYI The article from Techdows cited as one of the sources for your above article have been updated on 05 August 2020, in particular as follows :
CCleaner is wiping Firefox Extensions Settings, how to fix
Last updated on August 5, 2020 By Venkat
UPDATE August 8, 2020: Piriform has told techdows that the issue will be addressed shortly with an upcoming update.
Re : https://techdows.com/2020/08/fix-ccleaner-wiping-firefox-extensions-settings.html
Perhaps you can add the additional update info to your own article.
I noticed the tweet from Pirifom – and has updates the German blog post – but unfortunately not the English one. But: I plead to wait, until the ban has lifted …
v5.70 of CCleaner has just been released, guenni