Surface Laptop 3: Fix for sporadic restarts is tested

[German]Users of a Surface Laptop 3 sometimes suffer from sporadic restarts of the device. Microsoft seems to have found the cause and is now testing a fix with Windows Insiders for its effectiveness.


What exactly is the problem?

Microsofts Surface Laptop 3 has problems with Windows 10 Version 2004. In my blog post Windows 10 V2004 still blocked on some Surfaces from mid-July 2020 I mentioned, that Microsoft has set an upgrade blocker for the devices. One of the reasons:

On some devices the Always On, Always Connected mode caused errors and spontaneous reboots. This also affected Microsoft's Surface devices. Here is the error description from the Windows 10 Version 2004 status page.

On Microsoft Answers, a user posted the following error description in the Surface forum.

Surface Laptop 3 Restarting Randomly

I have the power settings set to NOT restart when the power is plugged in and NOT to go into sleep mode. 

Even with these settings the laptop restarts randomly. I'll be writing code and it restarts. Its random.

Surface Laptop 3 15"

AMD Ryzen 7 Microsoft Surface Edition 2.30 GHz

16.0 GB RAM

Exactly the bug described above, which probably occurs in various surface models.

Microsoft is testing a fix with Insiders

Within the following tweet Barb Bowman pointed out that Microsoft is now testing a fix with Windows Insiders.


The Tweet refers to this Microsoft Answers forum thread with the above error description with the spontaneous restarts of the Surface Laptop 3 devices. A moderator writes about this.

Thank you for reporting the issue. We have improved device stability with an update that is currently available through our Windows Insider Program. 

To join the Windows Insider Program go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program and select Get Started. You will need to provide a Microsoft Account and when prompted choose Release Preview (learn more about Insider channels). Selecting Release Preview will keep you on the current public release of Windows but provide you the latest Surface updates before they are more broadly available. You can always go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program to opt out of receiving preview updates. 

This fix will be generally available through Windows Update as soon as it completes our quality testing.


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7 Responses to Surface Laptop 3: Fix for sporadic restarts is tested

  1. D.Nagayama says:

    I have been following this issue and have also posted multiple replies on the Microsoft Forum; however, the issue is STILL not resolved.

    There are a number of Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 w/AMD Ryzen users that are all experiencing random reboots who have posted on the forum and we have yet to receive a response. It is frustrating to say the least.

  2. Chris says:

    Still working this random reboot issue, Microsoft so far no help.

    Have noticed that if working on network intensive stuff via wireless the computer is more likely to reboot.

    Running on Ethernet via the Surface Dock 2 the laptop has been somewhat stable for a day or so and I'm just waiting for a random reboot :D

  3. Joe says:

    Microsoft replace first unit after hours on phone lead them to believe hardware. Now replacement unit failing even more than first that is 2-3 time every few hours. On phone again for hours said would replace with intel processor unit but now saying like for like replacement. Teaching remotely cannot accept and asking for refund which seems to be going nowhere. Terrible machine going back to Mac if can get money back terrible support

  4. David Hawkins says:

    Question on this topic, is it possible to use a different OS on a Surface Laptop 3? Perhaps a Unix variant might be stable?

    At this point the rebooting is not getting better at all, and I only see the option to do something different. 3rd laptop now, and they pretty much cut me off, so getting no further support.

    • guenni says:

      Don't know it for Surface Laptop 3 for sure. But for Surface Pro 4 I got feedback, that it run stable with Linux, while Windows is causing massive issues.

  5. John says:

    I am having the same exact issue on my surface laptop 3, 15" AMD. Out of nowhere, it restarts. Completely random, and happens no less that once a week (average 1-3 restarts per week).

  6. MEL NEWMAN says:


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