HP firmware update for ink/laser printers blocks third-party cartridges (Nov. 2020)

[German]A warning for owners of an HP printer. The company Hewlett Packard (HP) is once again distributing printer firmware that prevents the use of third-party cartridges for both HP inkjet and HP laser printers. Here are a few information what I found out so far.


Not the first time!

This manufacturer has a long tradition of making third-party ink tanks in HP printers unusable by secret firmware updates. In September 2016, it became known that HP had started to block third-party ink cartridges with a firmware update. HP had released a firmware update for several inkjet office printers on March 12, 2016. As of September 13, 2016, the time bomb in the firmware became active. From this date on, third-party ink cartridges were no longer accepted for certain HP printer models. People using third-party or refillable ink cartridges received an error message. The printer driver reports that the ink cartridge is defective or damaged. Anyone using new third-party ink cartridges also received this error message.

I had reported on this topic in the German article HP blockt Dritthersteller-Tintenpatronen per Firmware-Update and in other articles (see article links at the end of the article). The case caused HP to publish a new firmware update that overrides the "protection mechanism" (see my German article Firmware-Update: HP-Office Jets mögen wieder Fremdtinte). Similar incidents followed in 2018 and 2019, the last time I reported in the article Does HP blocks 3rd party ink cartridges again on its printers (Jan. 2019)? here in this blog.

HP firmware update (from Nov. 2020) blocks again

My blog post Does HP blocks 3rd party ink cartridges again on its printers (Jan. 2019)? received fresh user feedback on the topic during the last days. On November 2, 2020 Debbie Magruder left the following comment:

I am posting this on November 2, 2020. My HP 6960 All In One just stopped allowing 3rd party ink cartridges through Firmware update. To top it off, my local stores are out of tri-color cartridges & I had to order direct from HP. I'm so angry.

This was an inkjet printer where foreign cartridges with ink are now rejected. On November 6, 2020 Emily T responded with this comment:

November 6th, 2020 – my HP color LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw got a pushed firmware update today, and now my third party cartridges won't work. The printer is essentially a brick now. The screen says "supply problem."

There is the statement that the new firmware update has been brushed through a firmware update of a HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw. The display now shows a 'supply problem', which indicates toner or paper. The color laser cartridges are probably no longer accepted. And on November 7th, 2020 Lester Young reports with this comment:


November 7 2020, LaserJet Pro M254dw just updated firmware and have run into exactly this problem. Printer was working fine with 3rd party cartridges before the update and now says it has supply problems. Installed a genuine HP black cartridge and still have the same block. It's a shame as I was really happy with the printer before this and now it's a liability.

I'll try to downgrade firmware and see if that unbricks my printer.

So also here a LaserJet Pro M254dw, which was made unusable by a firmware update. The user writes that he has installed an original HP toner cartridge (black), but the blockade still exists. At askwoody.com, Susan Bradley also warns in this post about this HP firmware update for printers and lists more cases of bricked HP printers.

Printer boot loop after firmware update

In the HP forum post here, a user reports that the firmware update on the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw now contains an error "79 Service Error, Turn off then on. and has gone into a boot loop.

79 Service Error – Boot Loop

My printer had a  message on its screen saying that there was a software update available, so I decided to update it. Once it had finished updating, the system rebooted as usual. However, after about 10 seconds of the printer being on, an error appeared reading: "79 Service Error, Turn off then on." The printer automatically rebooted, but the problem still remained. Now the printer is stuck in a boot loop and continues to display the error. I was able to do a cold reset, which appeared to resolve the issue, but as soon as I connected the printer to my local network again and attempted to print a document, the error returned. It continues to be stuck in a boot loop even after I manually cycle it off/on and clear the print queue. I am guessing the new update is the cause. Is there a way to go back to the previous version? Or is it a different problem? Thanks!

This error in the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw, caused by the firmware update from Nov. 2020, is confirmed by other users. The HP forum post here contains further cases of people affected with error 79. German blog reader Tobias W. also sent me a mail on Friday with the following note:

Firmware Update Warning – Protect your Ghost White Toner – Solution to Supply Problem with ColorLaserjet M254 Series

HP is probably sending out updates again, which prevent compatible toners.

which points out this problem. Users should stop the firmware updates for their HP devices (see your printer manuals for details). For my own I've blacklisted HP since many years for that behavior.

Addendum: See my blog post Hints for HP Printer Firmware Downgrade.

Similar article:
HP printer firmware disables refill ink cartridges
HP apologizes, new firmware update for printers soon
HP: New printer firmware re-enables refill ink cartridges
Firmware Update blocks again non HP Printer Cartridges
Is a HP Firmware Update blocking again Third Party Ink Cartridges?
Does HP blocks 3rd party ink cartridges again on its printers (Jan. 2019)?


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138 Responses to HP firmware update for ink/laser printers blocks third-party cartridges (Nov. 2020)

  1. Leslie Zee says:

    I am also getting the supply error message on my newly updated LaserJet Pro M254dw. I would like to downgrade the firmware but cannot find the software anywhere. Can someone here direct me to a download please? I am forced to revert back to my inkjet in the meantime and will stay with that if it's my only option.

    • Stephen Kelly says:

      Yep, me too. M281fdw… So pissed off.

      • Matias de Goycoechea says:

        You have to do the following:
        – Find on the web the following .exe file: HP_Color_LaserJet_Pro_M254_dw_Printer_series_20200612.exe (if you dont find it send me a mail and I can send it to you)
        – Remove the cartidges from the printer
        – In the printer setup menu, find the service menu and surf inside to set ON to downgrade, and to receive updates.
        – Be sure that the printer is connected to the same network that your computer
        – Run the .exe
        – Reboot the printer
        – Check on the printer service menu the firmware version, should say 20200612
        – On the printer service menu, turn OFF all the update options
        – Install the non-HP cartidges and you should be all set.

        • Ken Singh says:

          Hello –
          I received the same supply error message with 20201021 as my firmware datecode. Would you please send me the older version for 20200612? Thank you so kindly.

        • Tom Bible says:

          hi Matias, I can't seem to find the HP_Color_LaserJet_Pro_M254_dw_Printer_series_20200612.exe download link. It would be great if you could please send it to me? Many thanks indeed. Warmest, Tom

        • Herfried says:

          Hello, the file "HP_Color_LaserJet_Pro_M254_dw_Printer_series_20200612.exe" seems to be removed from all web locations that google finds. The 'M280_M281' version does not work; my printer tells me 'wrong software', and 'fatal error'. Can you please send me the M254-file? Thanks!

        • df186 says:

          OMG guys!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. i was thinking of throwing out my printer cause i couldnt afford the HP toners.. i have the MFP M180nw.. and thank you so much to USMAN below for posting the downgrade firmware! you guys are lifesavers. I will never buy another HP Printer again.

          I downgraded successfully. now i just need to test it with the toner. either way. im happy im back on to my old firmware.

        • Pedro says:

          First let me say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your apport. It saves my cartridges.
          Just comment.
          In 20201021 there is no menu to activate or deactivate updates nor downgrades.
          I got to downgrade it as follows:
          1- Remove all cartridges .
          2- Turn on printer
          3- wait till message telling there are no cartridges appears
          4- Run HP-LaserJet-M180-M181-downgrade.exe
          5- When a messages on the computer appears telling that cannot print, do nothing. Don't click any where.
          6- On printer display will appear some messages telling that is "programming", "Erasing"…
          7- Wait till printer reboots.
          Now the menu to deactivate new updates appears and can deactivate new updates.

        • Krzysiek says:

          For HP Color LaserJet MFP M281fdn doesnt work :(

          please help me

        • Mano Hadzimahovic says:

          Unfortunately, did not work for me, I tried everything from this article, and nothing helped, I still have the same error message on my printer 280nw. Any help is much appreciated..thanks

        • Martha Gricelda Morales Bejarano says:

          Hi, Thanks GOD I Find you!! Please help and send me the software to downgrade tle firmware, this is my mail: ***b@gmail.com
          Thank you!!!

          email deleted for privacy reasons. If someone knows the source, please post a link. Thanks

          Günter Born

        • WILLIAM Tobleman, Jr. says:

          Wife got last artridge for HP LJ P1006 in Dallas metroplex. We were about to give P1006 away as she was told HP and Apple were not going to continue support for P1006. I chose to make a few inquiries myself and came across multiple theeads of complaints re: 3rd party/refillable toner cartridges. Wenf on-line to HP re: P1006 cartridge and found tey will no longer make cartridge for P1006( Not sure what "new spherical" drum[?] desigh has to do with it.). HP site referred me to Amazon where cartridges for P1006 were abundantly for sale by 3rd party manufacturers. Does this mean there is no problem regarding the use of 3rd party cartridges and myP1006? Is HP still force pushing firmware updates which excludes the current or future usage of 3rd party cartridges?

        • Alexia says:

          Hello I have the m283cdw printer and I really want to try using your advice but the file isn't working, could you send it over to me?

        • Ye Naing says:

          Please send to me HP_Color_LaserJet_Pro_M254_dw_Printer_series_20200612.exe
          Are nw and dw same?

          • EP says:

            not really. dw & nw have slight differences as I checked the latest firmware for both M254dw & M254nw from HP

          • Mr. Music says:

            I'm pissed, I have been trying for months to undo the poison HP done. I have the HP color Laserjet pro 254dw . I'm still trying to find a way to fix the toner error. Can you help find the solution. I need this for my t-shirt business. I purchased everything for my printer now I'm dead in the water!! I need the keys to unlock it.

        • Joe Caffery says:

          Hi Matias,
          I have just found this problem with a cartridge I purchased a while ago and just tried to use on the M254DW. The .exe. does not appear to be available on the Web. Are you able to send it to me as a favour?

          Kind regards

        • Philip Potter says:

          Once upon a time you said you had the downgrade file :
          Do you still have access to it, can I get a copy of it.
          Thanks in hope.

      • linda says:

        YES! mine too!! MFP281fdw

  2. Ed C says:

    I have a HP LaserJet Pro MFP M281 fdw. I had the same issue of my 3rd party cartridges being blocked when I did the Nov 2020 firmware upgrade. Fortunately I still had on file the 20200612 firmware. When I downgraded my printer to it all blocking issues went away.

    • Mufasa says:

      I have the same printer and the same problem.
      Unfortunately I do not have the older firmware any more.
      Can you make it accessible for me and others?

      • Ed C says:

        This is a link that I found on the HP forum site. I downloaded it and my antivirus said it was safe but I didn't use it. Use at your own risk.


        • Fk HP says:

          Thanks Ed!

          I downloaded this and put up another copy in case it expires there. You're welcome future downloader.


          • Neil says:

            I downloaded the file and it goes through the process of "sending" the firmware to my M281fdw over wifi, but then nothing happens. My printer continues to inform me that the supplies are not communicating. Should I be doing this over USB? Any help would be most appreciated!

          • Jimmy says:

            Thank you SO much!! It worked. Downloaded installed through USB.

          • Jim Delton says:

            That worked for me. I ran the file from my computer and it was sent over the ethernet connection to the printer. After downgrading back to the 20200612 version I looked in the menu for SYSTEM SETUP/Supply Settings/Cartridge Policy and there was a cartridge setting where you could choose between [OFF] or [Authorized HP]. At this point I don't recall for sure but I don't think it was "set" to either (didn't notice) but I set it to OFF and then there was an asterisk displayed next to off. Possibly if you could get to this setting with the new software you could turn it off and fix the 3rd party problem. I'm not going to reinstall the new file to find out. The old one seems to work just fine.

          • Marilyn Bohannan says:

            Downloaded – connected with USB – message before sending firmware says "Please ensure the printer is in ready state before continuing" However I have the error message "Supply Problem" that I can not get rid of – so it is not in ready state?? Any suggestions?

        • MPD says:

          Thanks guys! Downgrade with the link worked – back to old firmware and error message disappeared.

          Does anybody know where to deactivate the automatic firmware update so that this issue does not happen again?

        • Philip says:

          You have just saved my printer.

        • Tom B says:

          Ed: I used the link with the 2020612 firmware and it worked with no problems. Thank for the tip, Good job! I highly recommend to disable automatic updates to avoid a recurrence of this issue.

        • Jon D says:

          Thank you Ed. This link still works and the update fixed my printer

    • Alessandro says:

      Hi Ed, thanks to you I've found the old firmware for the same printer you have. Simply running your exe from PC doesn't solve the problem. Unfortunately I don't know how to downgrade the firmware using a USB drive. Could you please help me?

      • Guillius says:

        I had issues to with .exe
        I was launching the update and nothing happened because my printer was stucked on his "bad furniture thing".
        Right after le update is over, don't exit and just open/close your cardriges door, the printer will start the update.
        Worked like this for me !

        • Alessandro says:

          Thank you for your prompt answer. After several attempts, finally the printer has been downgraded to previous firmware. Now it works correctly.

    • linda says:

      I HAVE THE SAME PRINTER. Where can I find the file to downgrade the firmware? please and thank you

  3. Jason says:

    I'm also getting the same message on my MFP M281FDW, only the black was 3rd party, so i bought an HP OEM toner, now I'm getting the 79 Service error when I am connected to any network, Wired LAN, or Wireless. If I disconnect network, it doesn't reboot.. So I'm still out of luck.

  4. Chris says:

    Yep! I have the '281fdw and it was running great with aftermarket cartridges. It updated the firmware automatically to what it refers to as 10/2020 and now it's a brick unless I fork over $350 to purchase HP cartridges.

    • Ross says:

      How I do the downgrade ? I already download the firmware on a usb

      • MPD says:

        don't forget to change the printer settings "accept downgrades" to "yes". If this is done, the downgrade should work. (settings\service\update laserjet\…) Then use the older firmware and it should work

        • Dipakkumar Pansuriya says:

          i have hp 7720 printer and i try to insert 3rd party cartridge but i still sowing depleted cartridges,
          can you please me if you have any firmware downgrade link

  5. Daniel Schwemberger says:

    281 fdw 10/2020 "Material Fehler" wird angezeigt !
    mit dem Vorwand eine Sicherheitslücke wurde durch einen Forscher geschlossen habe ich gutgläubig das upgrade der Firmware durchgeführt !
    Eine Frechheit seitens HP .

  6. Nick says:


    I followed the advice & instructions in the comments halfway down the page here from user fmillion using the LPR method.

    There's a link in the thread to the HP FTP site for old firmware – downloaded that, made sure my printer settings were as per fmillion's, enabled LPR by Googling how to and then ran the command using Powershell. Printer stayed static for a good 10 mins, then rebooted a couple of times, checked the firmware and it had rolled back.

    Use at your own peril as I am no techy or expert….it worked for me and printer is back to normal with 3rd party cartridges in it.

    Mine is UK based HP Laserjet M281fdw

  7. Bill says:

    I was able to downgrade to june update and continue using 3rd party toner after a reboot and cleaning.


  8. Paul says:

    I ran this over USB and it recovered my MFP 281 printer and it now works. This firmware saved the day!

  9. Nico says:

    Thank youuuuuu !!!!

    I tried the downgrade via network but no succeed,

    it worked perfectly after unpluged the LAN cable, uninstall LAN drivers, connect with USB, and install USB drivers. then lunch the downgrade tool.

    I hate Canon, Xerox dosnt satisfy me niether, and I liked HP t'ill now :( what brend is ok ??

  10. Ralson Caoc says:

    How do I downgrade the Firmware on a Laserjet M254dw on MAC?

  11. Rob Whitaker says:

    As of this morning, I was able to recover and install the old firmware (supplied by my third party toner supplier). A few requirements. 1.) you have to connect to the printer via printer cable to refresh and overwrite the updated firmware. 2). you have to completely refresh your printer to original settings prior to attempting to overwrite firmware. My supplier had an EXE file which I downloaded. I then reset all settings in my printer; then (WITHOUT RESETTING UP WIFI CONNECTIVITY) ran the .EXE from my computer connected directly to the printer via a cable. The printer restarted with the old firmware (20200612 I think) date and it is back to normal. Make sure to turn off autoupdate and require notification before running any updates. I love my printer, but HP is seriously trashing their reputation with this type of behavior.

  12. Aaron says:

    Hello –

    I am having the same issue with my Color LaserJet Pro MFP M180nw.

    Does anyone have a firmware download link for mac users?


  13. Beriev says:

    Ed C, Fk HP. Your solution works, thank you so much.
    Downloaded from Mega, ran the .exe over the network and rebooted.

    This is the very last time that I, or my company of 400 over users, will buy or use HP Products.
    HP, you have sold the product. How your customers use the product is not up to you. Butt out and get on with making better products. If you want people to use your consumables, it's not hard to figure out why they don't. Try addressing that instead.

  14. Elaine says:

    Thank you! You guys saved my bacon. My MFP 281fdw was completely disabled by the supply error after the firmware update. I did have to reset the printer to defaults before it took the downgrade, but it finally started working.

  15. Don says:

    I can't get the printer into the Ready mode. The Supply Problem logos can't be removed. How?

  16. Don Hagge says:

    I'm unable to use the download because the printer isn't Ready.

  17. Anders Søgaard Møller says:

    Same issue :-(

    I have the LaserJet PRO MFP M181fw – anyone has the old firmware?

    I checked on http://ftp.hp.com both could only find the firmware for M182_M185

  18. Reynir Siik says:

    I have a Color Laser Jet MFP M281fdw. My device went into a boot loop as described above after firmware update in nov 2020. At first it just didn't act as expected, and later on it started looping. I do have HP original toner cartridges. They are recently changed, and it is the high volume type. So HP has done an epic fail I believe…

  19. Ian says:

    I also am stuck with the 'Supply problem' message and can't get the printer to a READY state. I do get the smiley face but then can't get the 'programming ' bit.

  20. Ian says:

    I have now achieved the load of the older firmware and the printer is happy and working fine.
    1. I 'RESET' the printer, which took it back to it's defaults.
    I unplugged the USB and the power lead taking it out of the back.
    I reconnected the USB printer cable.
    I put the power lead back in.
    The printer started and it's screen no longer had the error message on it.
    A few seconds later the screen said 'Programming' so was loading the firmware.
    I needed to set up the wireless networking again which it had lost.
    I then worked my way through allt he cartridges i had tried to leave a full new working set in place and re-packed all the spare cartridges I had unwrapped in trying to solve the problem using new cartridges!!!
    A lot of trouble caused by HP – a very big time-waster. They need to be more mature than this and not mess people around.

  21. JohnSteed says:

    Exact same issue! I have been using non-P toner cartridge for months without any issue until yesterday: my HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw suddenly stopped printing with an error message: "Supply Error". Hopefully I found this great post and it fixed it! The printer upgraded its firmware (without asking me…) to the October 2020 version and that broke my printer by forbidding the use of non-HP cartridge. THANK YOU HP! :-( Installing the software given in the link above https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=ece5114f9d332d92&id=ECE5114F9D332D92%21461&authkey=!AHo39GmmW8xq_7c fixed it. It will downgrade the firmware back to the version 202006 (June 2020). I ran it a first time but it did not do the install. I then (following some of the comments above) simply opened and closed the cartridge drawer and re-executed the software. This time the software was correctly installed and printer works perfectly again. I takes a few minutes to install. THANKS for the contributors of that post!

  22. Ian J says:

    What a spectacular irritation.

    My M254DW was bricked by the October update. I am beyond livid and HP citing 'security' as a reason to make non-HP cartridges useless rings hollow when users have to go hunting around looking for links to the previous firmware in potentially dark parts of the internet to resolve it.

    https://www.ghost-white-toner.com/firmware-update-warning/ – this was where I got the old firmware from. It does work but I had a LOT of attempts.

    Things that may have helped in the end are:
    – Completely turning the printer off at the plug/removing USB.
    – Resetting the printer (Set-up > Service > restore defaults).
    – Turning 'auto updates off' but 'allow updates' on and 'allow downgrade' on (Set-up > Service > LaserJet Update > Manage Updates).
    – Then running the .exe from the website above.

    Part way through the .exe running, the printer screen came up as 'programming' which ultimately got me back to the 20200612 firmware version (you can check in Set-up > Service > Firmeware Datecode in case you haven't spotted). Allow updates is now switched off. That's the last update I'll ever allow the printer to make (at least without waiting 2 months then searching to see what happened).

    Thank you to everyone on here- it kept me trying and gave me new things and ultimately you keep trying them until one works!

  23. Helen says:

    I'm having the same issue(s) but my printer will not stay on long enough for me to use the software, it keeps initializing/restarting. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've tried installing the older firmware using wifi, usb and ethernet and nothing works for me.

  24. ASC says:

    Thanks for everyone's help I installed the downgrade (win 10) via Ethernet connection and it worked fine. At the end of the downgrade I restarted the printer (unplugged it first) and it took about 5 minutes to reboot/install the downgrade. Finally I changed the firmware upgrade settings to ' not allow updates' and hopefully this problem will not arise again. The printer is now back to normal….my faith in HP however, is not.

  25. Tom Z says:


    My printer is giving me the supply error
    It auto installed a firmware update
    and Now my printer won't work because i am using non-hp toner CARRTRIDGES

    How can i downgrade to my older firmware

    Help please

  26. Chris McConkey says:

    Hi folks

    First of all, many thanks for the info to date in this thread. I share everyone's anger at HP's behaviour.

    I have a M254dw which was screwed by the update. I have a Mac and am struggling to find a link that hasn't already been deleted by HP. Anyone out there have a live link to the 20200612 firmware update for Macs?

    Many thanks in advance,


  27. Scott Yule says:

    My company operates 2 x Laser Jet Pro M281fdw

    One of the machines had Auto Updated its Firmware and was showing the dreaded 'Supply Problems' fault message…..we were looking at £320 Per machine to replace our Generic carts with HP originals – This page just saved me a Ton of Money!



  28. ilu says:

    Gracias a todos por la ayuda, a mi me ha servido para la HP Laserjet Pro MFP M281fdw.

  29. H says:

    Hi, I have the HP LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw. I tried to follow everyone's suggestions.
    -I downloaded the June 2020 firmware onto my computer.
    -I already went through my printer's display settings and selected "No" for Auto-Updates, and "Yes" to Allow Downgrade as everyone had mentioned.
    -I connected my computer and my printer via ethernet cable.
    -I ran the firmware .exe file and it'll send the firmware to my printer, but the datecode STILL says 20201021.
    -I already tried unplugging and plugging back my printer's power.
    I have tried EVERYTHING. Please someone help me!

    • EP says:

      instead of connecting with an ethernet/LAN cable, try connecting locally with a USB cable to your PC

  30. Kevin D Desaulniers says:

    Thank you SO much! I have THREE of these units. One at home, one at my office for myself, and one at my office for my staff. You saved me THOUSANDS of dollars!!! God bless you!

  31. geerinckx says:


    glad to know you have on file the 20200612 firmware for hp color laserjet pro 254 dw printer.

    I would be happy and you gratefull if you can provide me this file

    Thanks in advance and best regards

    A Geerinckx

  32. Mike says:

    This worked for me after spending hours trying to push it via USB and WiFi. Looks like you need to go through the FTP modules.


  33. Beate says:

    Hi guys,
    Thanks a lot for your help and for sharing your thoughts. For the not so computer savvy lot coming after me… I used a USB 2.0 cable with a micro USB connector for the install. My MFP M281fdw was resilient at first when I tried the install via the network but finally gave in.

  34. digesh patel says:

    I had issues with downgrading HP MFP M281 CDW
    I would have smiley face at end but firmware would stay same.
    following worked for me
    -restore default printer
    -allow update and downgrade
    -connect printer with USB to a computer
    -launch exe file and as soon as you see first blue line in progress bar, remove power from printer wait for 2 sec and plug it back in
    -you might have to do this couple of time for it to work
    -if works printer screen will show programing
    – done

  35. Tim Duke says:

    Could you please send me the .exe file: HP_Color_LaserJet_Pro_M254_dw_Printer_series_20200612.exe
    My 254 laser printer has updated firmware automatically and I need to revert – can't find a link on the web – thanks

  36. Manuel Villaverde says:

    Is anyone starting a class action suit??

  37. Dan Simpson says:

    Mines accepted the updated firmware, re boots, then still shows supply problem

    • Ava Andrews says:

      Same problem here. Did you ever find a solution? I was able to revert to the June 2020 firmware but can't get rid of the supply problem error message.

      • Chris Saynor says:

        This happened to me too. Changed the firmware ok, but still showing supply problems. Any thoughts, anyone?

  38. Martin Poles says:

    I want say Thank You for all the Tips. I was able to use ethernet cable from printer to a laptop and get my 281 working again.

    Its a great printer but.when I can buy all the cartridges for the price of 1 hp something is wrong HP and thats why I use aftermarket toner

  39. Soko83 says:

    Thank you Usman, solved my problem with a M180n HP.

  40. AV says:

    SOCORRO! …Por gentileza….alguém pode me enviar o link do firmware da serie 180-181…anterior desta ultima atualização?

    SOCORRO! …Please send me the link of the 180-181 series firmware…previous of this last update?

  41. B says:

    I'm affected by this and I am desperately trying to download an earlier firmware. Problem is I am on a MAC! and it seems these downgrades are mainly accessible to PC users. Anyone out there have a MAC compatible driver?


  42. mens says:

    thanks alot it works

  43. Sheila says:

    Does anyone by any chance have the older version software of the MFP 283fdw ? If not any advice? I miss my printer and doing my work, I wonder if the warranty somehow can cover it/ the staples warranty . Probably not but I might try

  44. Keith Reddy says:

    Me too, my LaserJet Pro M254dw has been disabled by the firmware update.

  45. M.McKee says:

    I have a HP Color Laserjet Pro MFP M281FDW which after the November 2020 firmware update would no longer allow me to print using the generic print cartridges I had just replaced. Usman's solution above (reprinted here) worked. Download the firmware downgrade for your printer and run it.

    Usman says:
    2020-11-25 at 1:55
    Here s the link to download older firmwares. Make sure to change the settings on your printer to allow updates before installing. Once installed, you can disable updates.

  46. moe says:

    worked for me thanks for the help

  47. M.LI says:

    Thanks from Hong Kong for the good instruction and helps, your idea sorted out my problem

  48. Scott says:

    This is insane and must be criminal. I got the corrected down-selected firmware re-installed, but the error message of "unauthorized supplies installed." Effectively, HP gave laser jet owners malware, forcing us to use their cartridges. Is this not the same egregious and insidious action as buying a vehicle and the car manufacturer owning the rights to what tires you replace them with? Is there a petition or a lawsuit formulating? If so, I want in.

  49. ThePostar says:

    Same happened with HP Color LaserJet M254nw

    Update 20201021 bricked third party color cartridges.

    Luckily on this page I found older firmware – 20200612
    and now it works as before.

    It's possible there are older firmwares for other types of printers, hope it helps.

  50. Jonathan Campbell says:

    I can confirm the firmware problem. My HP8710 just stopped working, and all the diagnostics appeared to indicate a hardware error, so I thought I was looking at purchasing a new printer.
    But I found a solution: a firmware downgrade. The solution is too long to write here. I have the story at healthy-again.net/computers


    • guenni says:

      Jon, I've approved your post with a link to your business as an one time exeption – normally I will delete advertising links (small business companies providing a solution will allowed in exceptional cases from time to time). Won't that my blogs are abused for SEO spam. Thanks.

  51. Kevin says:

    Sanity is saved :)

    I had to factory reset my M254dw before it would accept the downgrade via USB. Prior to that, I was getting a "Fatal error – 65" on both USB and wireless.

  52. Ryan says:

    Thanks to all for your expertise. I have a problem reverting to older Firmware. I'm running HP M180mw on Windows. I have the older firmware but to send it to printer the instructions say "ensure printer is in ready state before continuing" – problem is, I can't get it to "ready" state as the orange flashing lights and "Supply Problem" message is present. Turning off/on, restoring to defaults, etc. and nothing works. How do I get it to ready state to then send the older firmware? Please help and thank you so much!

  53. Bob says:

    Itoo cannot downgrade, all seems to go but datecode still on the old one

    • Bob says:

      re above post. I have 254de. I still have old hp cartidge so I have ready method. I have the downgrade program, but on running it seems to very slwly move bar across the screen, but it never actually does anything

  54. Now Anti-HP says:

    AMAZING!!!! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH. THIS WORKED and I'm so happy you made this easy.

    NOTE: connect the printer via USB. Doesn't work over WiFi. The printer will reboot itself when you run the .exe.

  55. BradB says:

    Hey Everyone,
    Just another guy with bricked MFP M180nw running on Mac trying to get a good link or file for the downgrade. I have read though a bunch of these posts for Mac but it seems the files were taken down or it was still the incorrect file.

    Any help for a Mac guy just trying to print again would be awesome! Thanks everyone

  56. Dudot S. Delos Santos says:

    i need older version of hp clj 181 firmware. because my printer firmware date code is year 2017

  57. Nick Formaunie says:

    Thank you, guys, from a fan in Australia.
    This sort of behavior by HP is going to cost them dearly from my side… I am sick and tired of having this done TWICE now to my printer at home. It's the same as say BMW making sure that you can only run your car if you have Dunlop tires on it. This is complete bull-*hit and I cannot believe it would ever go through their company and be approved.

    But… in my small way…. I can fight back. And I will.

    I own a mid-sized company and we have the need for a lot of computers, laptops, printers, etc. I swear here that my company will NEVER buy another HP product as long as I'm CEO. That's it.
    Let's see other angry users put their wallet to work and see if HP ends up being happy with their stupendously stupid behaviour. I bet Hewlett and Parkard are spinning in their graves. Treating a customer like this leads to company death… and the corporate performance of HP over the past 10 years says it all. I have plenty of other choices and now I will buy ANYTHING BUT a HP device from now on. Screw them.

    I appreciate the info you provided in this page as I'd forgotten what I did last time HP did this. Thanks again. Looking after each other is a wonderful thing on the web. Much appreciated.

  58. Francesco says:

    Thanks a lot from Italy for the good instruction and helps, your idea is great !!

  59. Chris Wagner says:

    Thank you. It worked on my Officejet Pro 8715

  60. After this command, I am finishing the next technical procedure. At the center of the process, I am experiencing issues. So I am sharing this issue with you too, guys.

  61. al says:

    Does anyone know if the m283CDW from Costco has a firmware downgrade option I don't see it on any of the links here?

  62. philip white says:

    Hi folks what an issue this is does anyone have the firmware for a
    MFP M479fdw I have the same problem,
    cheers Phil.

  63. Markus says:

    Hello, I have the same problem as of today…
    however I am using an OfficeJet5200. Does anybody have an old firmware version for this one?
    I would be really glad!
    Thanks a lot in advance!

  64. Bilyana Radeva says:

    I have the same problem with my MFP M180 n. I already have downgraded the firmware to 20200612. Tried different ways- with removing the cartridges, without removing the cartridges and changing the supply settings to OFF on Cartridge policy and Cartridge protection. I used the downgrade firmware from different sources. But the printer still does not print.
    The printer menu is not accessible (it says error 11) and I can not turn ON or OFF the updates.
    The black cartridge is 3rd party ink cartridge, and the color cartridges are HP's.
    Please, help me to make the printer print.

  65. philip white says:

    Hi OK I fixed the driver issue, I contacted HP and had a discxussion about this issue and they provided the older firmware. I used the copy command and it updated the printer firmware. The printer still failed. Cartridge issue, I then replaced the cartridge with an original one and it worked. Basically I would lock out receiving any updates on the printer. Buy cartridges that are definately going to work original or guaranteed. The replacements I had dont seem have been that good.
    thanks Phil.

  66. Onlineta says:

    Hi there,
    I have the same problem with my M274n MFP. I need the following file for the downgrade

    thanks Torben

  67. Jörgen says:

    Thanks a million!! It solved my issue with this machine. I always thought of HP Laserprinters as very good and reliable machines but now I will never buy one again after they blackmail us like this. How can they be allowed to do this After customers have bought it??! I have a MFP 281fdw…

  68. David Azcorra says:

    please help!; i need fw m377 or m477 2015 ,2019 or 202006

  69. Yash Shringare says:

    Does Anyone have Older Firmware for HP Color Laserjet MFP m177fw specifically with datecode 20160926 or datecode 20200531 please if anyone could help me it would be great recent firmware blocked usage of 3rd party cartridge

  70. sasan says:

    i need file downgrade firmware hp clj pro m252n .

  71. doesnotmater says:

    Printer M428fdn
    How to Downgrade Firmware from 002_2208A to 002_2118A

    -Download file
    size: 96 464 008 bytes
    md5: 5e116c70cd5af8d8e7b2cd2863c930a4
    sha1: 800f2005eea93f2f1a94fb9e2687d4df00c8dd05

    -Unzip the file above to get file
    size: 93 081 573 bytes
    md5: cb20c1e01d9adbafc47689a4a62432d0
    sha1: 2f88b6b1d51efad42bb1843a7fc765edca65fd20

    – place the ful2 file in a USB PEN (mine was formatted as NTFS)

    – insert the PEN in the printer

    – the printer will update the firmware to 002_2118A

    • GONZALO says:

      I need old firmware of a hp 428
      the printer gives me a message protected cartridge
      e firmware TETONXXXXN002.2118A.00 "DID NOT WORK"

  72. GONZALO says:

    I need old firmware of a hp 428
    the printer gives me a message protected cartridge
    e firmware TETONXXXXN002.2118A.00 "DID NOT WORK"

  73. lauren says:

    PLEASE PLEASE need info for HP OfficeJet 6958
    thank you!!!

  74. Marcin says:

    Hi, I think I broke my HP 150nw trying to install something using "force/service mode". I now have a stable white power light that blinks once every 15 seconds. When off pressing the power on button gives me the stable light again. When off I can also turn it on by enabling "force/service mode" but that's it. The only way to turn the printer off is by pulling out the power cable.

    If anyone has experience or knowledge on how and if I can get it back to normal then please help me.



  75. Dave says:

    HI Guys-
    I have an OfficeJet Pro 7740 and I fixed my aftermarket ink problem here, could fix your issue….The past printer firmware isn't available from HP but you can get it from this site. This will fix a lot of HP printers that cant use aftermarket inks since the last firmware update. Hope it helps :)

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