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- StanG on Home automation: G-HOMA discontinues app support, wall sockets/cameras useless?
- aim on Windows 10 22H2: Store apps are updating again since update 3.2025
- greg on Windows 11 24H2: Fix for Synaptics audio issue on HP Prodesk 600 G4
- OldNavyGuy on Windows 10 22H2: Store apps are updating again since update 3.2025
- Anonymous on Windows 10 22H2: Store apps are updating again since update 3.2025
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- StanG on Home automation: G-HOMA discontinues app support, wall sockets/cameras useless?
- aim on Windows 10 22H2: Store apps are updating again since update 3.2025
- greg on Windows 11 24H2: Fix for Synaptics audio issue on HP Prodesk 600 G4
- OldNavyGuy on Windows 10 22H2: Store apps are updating again since update 3.2025
- Anonymous on Windows 10 22H2: Store apps are updating again since update 3.2025
Tag Archives: Active Directory
Windows 11 24H2 with Outlook and Exchange: AD user accounts are suddenly blocked
[German]Recently a blog reader left a comment within this blog, dealing with an issue in Windows 11 24H2 combined with Microsoft Outlook and Exchange. He noticed that user accounts in the Active Directory are being blocked suddenly on a recurring … Continue reading
Posted in Cloud, issue, Office, Windows
Tagged Active Directory, issue, Outlook, Windows 11 24H2
Risk of Active Directory misconfigurations; Forest Druid for analysis
[German]Heute noch ein Sammelbeitrag zur IT-Sicherheit. Fehlkonfigurationen und Standardeinstellungen des Active Directory können die IT-Sicherheit von Unternehmen gefährden. Bastien Bossiroy von den NVISO Labs hat sich Gedanken um dieses Thema gemacht und bereits Ende Oktober 2023 einen Beitrag zu den … Continue reading
How to find weak passwords in Active Directory and eliminate them with PowerShell
Advertising – Weak or compromised passwords are a known gateway for attackers. If you are able to identify which users in Active Directory (AD) are threatened by this, then PowerShell can help to remedy it. However, PowerShell scripts cannot eliminate … Continue reading
AD security on the test bench
[German]Another topic for administrators responsible for using a Microsoft Active Directory (AD) in the enterprise. Rumor has it that many companies rely on Microsoft's AD for their IT in business operations. The stuff has been on the market for 20 … Continue reading
Active Directory Admins: May 2022 updates may force DCs to a boot loop (AltSecID attribute set on krbtgt)
[German]Today a short information for administrators of Active Directory Domain Controllers under Windows Server, who still have to apply the security updates for May 2022. I have come across the information that there is a bug that leads to nasty … Continue reading
Posted in issue, Update, Windows
Tagged Active Directory, Domain Controller, Patchday 5.2022, Problem, Update, Windows Server
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Why ISL Online: Critical factors when choosing a remote desktop solution
[Sponsored Post]In the rapidly evolving IT world, choosing the right remote desktop software is critical for organizations that value security, ease of use and reliability. One provider of secure remote access that has been on the market since 2001 is ISL Online, which presents some considerations for choosing such software below. More ...
On-premises sync for Active Directory (AD) users
How can Active Directory (AD) users synchronize Microsoft Edge favorites and settings between computers without connecting to Microsoft cloud services? Advertising
Security: Microsoft buys the domain as a precaution
[German]Microsoft has acquired the domain as a precautionary measure. The goal is to prevent the domain from being used by malicious parties to steal Windows credentials, monitor customer traffic, or deliver malicious files. Advertising
Microsoft Security Advisory (December 12, 2017)
[German]As part of the December patchday (12/12/2017), Microsoft has also issued a Microsoft Security Advisory Notification. It addresses the security settings for Active Directory Domain Services. And it's discusses the DDE vulnerability when opening Office documents. Advertising
Posted in Office, Security, Windows
Tagged Active Directory, DDE, Microsoft, Office, Security
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