Windows: Printer issues after Sept. 2019 Update confirmed

[German]Microsoft has just confirmed that some Windows systems may experience problems with printers after the September 2019 updates has bee installed. Here are an overview and also the details I know so far.


The printing issues – a brief review

In Windows 10 version 1903, some users recognized that the printer queue crashes after installing the KB4517211 update and they could no longer print. Specifically, the spooler service for the printers crashes, causing no printers to be detected by applications. The affected person can restart the service, but it crashes again during printing.

After a reader comment, I had briefly mentioned the issue within my blog post Windows 10: Issues with Updates KB4522015, KB4522016 / KB4517211 (Sept. 2019). When writing the post, I still assumed that this could be an isolated case for one user. Afterwards, however, a number of independent confirmations came from readers both here and in the German-language blog. So later I decided to create a separate blog post Windows10 V1903: Update KB4517211 causes printer issues.

After receiving additional confirmations from more users, I found a post in the Microsoft Answers forum and escalated the issue to Microsoft moderators – together with the request to forward this with a link to my post above to Microsoft's developers (as a Microsoft Answers community moderator I still can do that). .

Issue confirmed for all Windows versions

Meanwhile Microsoft has confirmed this error in the Windows 10 V1903 status page (my colleagues noticed this, because I haven't found anything in the KB articles yet). Microsoft writes with date September 30, 2019:

Intermittent issues when printing

The print spooler service may intermittently have issues completing a print job and may result in a print job being canceled or failing. Some apps may close or error when the print spooler fails and you may receive a remote procedure call error (RPC error) from some printing utility or printing apps.

So everything that my blog readers have also reported here as comments to my posts. Interesting is, however, that all Windows versions may be be affected.


  • Client: Windows 10, Version 1903; Windows 10, Version 1809; Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019; Windows 10, Version 1803; Windows 10, Version 1709; Windows 10, Version 1703; Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2016; Windows 10, Version 1607; Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2015; Windows 8.1; Windows 7 SP1
  • Server: Windows Server, Version 1903; Windows Server, Version 1809; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server, Version 1803; Windows Server, Version 1709; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1; Windows Server 2008 SP2

Microsoft is working on a solution and pans to release an update for Windows in future. Currently uninstalling update KB4517211 may solve the issue.

At this point I took a closer look at the Microsoft article, because this issue doesn't hit all users. And in contrast to the comments, which I got here in the blog, users of Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server can also be affected. I will outline more within the following text.

Is there a workaround?

Microsoft writes that affected users can try to print again and that this might even work. If that doesn't work, and you can't print by retrying, you should restart the device (interesting workaround 'have you tried to switch it off and on again).

If the device uses a v4 printer driver and a v3 driver is available, you can also try to install the older v3 driver as a workaround. This also explains why for some people have been successful, installing the printer driver using the .inf files in device manager fixed the issue, while re-installing the latest printer driver doesn't repair it.

Just in case, somebody wondering what v3 drivers are. It's the old driver architecture used for Windows 2000 7 up to Windows 7. Microsoft decided to establish a new printer driver architecture v4 for Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 and declare old v3 drivers as legacy. See this post and this article for more details.

But I'm guessing that some people can't avoid uninstalling update KB4517211 and then waiting for a fix from Microsoft.

Microsoft blame Internet Explorer Update KB4522016

When I then saw that Microsoft was providing the security update KB4522016 (for Win 10 V1903) from September 23, 2019, things became clear to me. Because that was the security update for Internet Explorer that I described in the blog post Windows: Vulnerabilities in IE and Defender (09/23/2019). And that explains, why not all users are affected. Because this update was only available for download in the Microsoft Update Catalog.

Question: Can affected persons confirm that the IE security update was installed there and that the bug is gone after uninstalling the security update? A list of updates for distinct Windows versions may be found in the blog post Windows: Vulnerabilities in IE and Defender (09/23/2019).

Addendum: According to the feedback I got within my German blog, my doubts that KB4522016 is the root cause of the printer issues are confirmed. Users with printer issues did not install the KB4522016 update (or one of the other update for distinct Windows versions). So I guess it can't be the (only) roote cause.

Addendum 2: Microsoft released a fix on October 3, 2019 – see my blog post Windows Updates fixes printer bug (Oct. 3, 2019) for further details.

Similar articles:
Windows 10: Issues with Updates KB4522015, KB4522016 / KB4517211 (Sept. 2019)Windows 10 V1903: Update KB4517211 released (09/26/2019)
Windows 10 Version 1903: Ready for broad realease
Windows 10 19H2 Insider Preview in Release Preview Ring
Windows10 V1903: Update KB4517211 causes printer issues
Windows: Vulnerabilities in IE and Defender (09/23/2019)


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30 Responses to Windows: Printer issues after Sept. 2019 Update confirmed

  1. EP says:

    hi guenni.

    I'm also recently experienced printing problems with my family's HP Envy photo 7858 printer thru a wifi connection with the KB4516077 update for Windows 10 v1809. not a problem when printing thru a local usb cable connection though. going to uninstall this update and wait for the next one.

  2. Kenneth Goodwin says:

    KB4517211 severely impacted my two HP printers. Installed twice, same printer problem with minor differences but still the update invalidated use of the printers. Didn't impact my Windows 10 Pro on the same network, same printers but my only solution is to reimage the OS disk back to September 30th.

  3. Jerry Harper says:

    I am having same problems after installing KB4517211 out of band release on 9/23. Installed on 3 Dell Win10 Pro 1903 systems. The XPS_8900 the update stopped the HP 8730 and Adobe II Pro from printing. Print spooler stopped and unable to start. Only way to resolve the printing issues was to uninstall KB4517211. The Studio_40 and the Inspiron N411z systems worked OK with no printing issues. System #4, a Microsoft Surface 3 running Win 10 Home,1903, also had the printer spooler issues. Only way to fix issue was to uninstall KB4517211. Finally had to pause update on these two systems because they keep reloading KB457211.
    It is good to hear that my experience is not unique to me. Hopefully MS can resolve this issue soon.

  4. David Wells says:

    Ever since installing KB4517211 on my lap top and main computer can no longer print from my HP Pro 6978 . Does any one know when Microsoft will post a fix.

  5. EP says:

    well guenni NOW Microsoft claims to have fixed the printing problems by releasing a brand new set of out-of-band updates moments ago:

    KB4524135 for Internet Explorer 9/10/11
    KB4524147 for Windows 10 v1903
    KB4524148 for 1809
    KB4524149 for 1803
    KB4524150 for 1709
    KB4524151 for 1703
    KB4524152 for 1607
    KB4524153 for 1507 LTSB 2015

  6. Ivan says:

    I can't believe it, in the company I have 350 users and I have the problem since day september 30 (the server was updated on September 27) I lost all week trying to solve the printing problem! Thanks for posting and I will apply the updates right now

  7. Peter Milesson says:

    Hi folks,

    Sorry to wreck the party. But the KB4524135 update does not fix the printer issues, at least not under Windows 2016/1607.

    Best regards,


  8. Francesco D'Angelo says:

    KB4524147 for Windows 10 v1903 created the problem.
    I had to remove it for making spooler working

  9. OlofA says:

    Hi, thanks for all ideas about the Print Spool error!

    Unfortunately the last fix didn't worked.

    Only uninstall of the original september update worked for me.

  10. WOJO says:

    The same in KB4524147 for Windows 10 v1903.
    It doe's NOT resolve printing problems in updated 1809>1903 W10.
    USB printer works, but pdfcreator and network printers DO NOT.

  11. Robert Jansson says:

    Hi there,
    If the problem occurs when having 1903 installed with all updates.
    Uninstall KB4524147.
    That will fix it. Worked for me.

    Best Regards

  12. Josota says:

    HP laptop with HP printer. Printer would not respond to "Print" command at all.
    Changed HP print quality to "best" and it immediately began printing WORD, pdf and jpg. Using more ink, but finally able to print again.

  13. bojan says:

    disaster of an update… had to uninstall *147/*148 update from 5 computers.

  14. MikeMilf says:

    After a Sunday and Monday of much shouting at my HP Pagewide Pro printer, I came across this site and am happy to say that for me too, uninstalling KB4524147 solved all my issues

    Thank you Microsoft for your inspirational standards of quality control….not

  15. Burt says:

    Exactly how long do we have to put up with this crap from MicroSoft? The August update virtually destroyed my computer's functionality in that it corrupted the mouse/trackpad driver, the printer drivers and miscellaneous other files. After three days of lost productivity, with no help whatsoever from MS, I was finally able to diagnose and fix the issues. If these fine people continue to produce unvetted and unverified "required" updates some sharp New York lawyer is going to figure out a class action. I hope to be a member. As it is I have turned off all updates for as long as possible…

  16. Justyn H says:

    Exactly, from I've noticed its only HP printers that are affected by this update. is that what everyone else is experiencing? I've had 4 customer contact me and all have HP printers.

  17. Martin_SBG says:

    Apparently today's update KB4524570 did the same to my printer installations (Win10 1903). I used to print Pdf's from Edge (or Chrome) and it suddenly gave me a "configuration error 0x8000004005" on all of my printers.
    At first I was blaming the browser but later discovered that my printers only appeared to be "installed + online" but when clicking on them, they said there would be no valid driver installed. A re-install of drivers from MS resources did solve the issue for now. I spent 90 mins to find a solution. But I am Admin of myself – what if has to manage 100s of PCs??

    But must say: bad quality assurance and it seems to get rather worse than better..

    • AlexRibeiro says:

      Hi Martin, I'm having this exact issue but with shared printers, others can't connect to printer, please how do you correct print problem with KB4524570?

      • EP says:

        @Martin_SBG & @AlexRibeiro: what kind of printers are you using and how are your shared printers connected? connected by wired (ethernet/lan) or wireless (WiFi). also did you try uninstalling and then re-installing your printer drivers?

        most of the printer problems were actually fixed starting with the KB4517389 update for 1903 from October 8, 2019

  18. drksilenc says:

    So this is still happening for me and i am on the latest hotfixes. My company is on build 18362.476 and this still happens. I have a paid escalation ticket open with microsoft but they have been no help…

  19. DJH-CA says:

    Is there any solution to the "No printers installed" issue? This began for me after the KB4528760 update on 1/14/20. I had spooler errors before that, but was able to clear and restart the spooler to resolve it. I tried uninstalling the 8760 update, but it had no effect. I cannot access my printer connected via a wired network. I haven't tried via USB yet. Does anyone have a solution? Microsoft support is less than useless.

    Thank you for any help!

    • guenni says:

      Currently I'm not aware of a solution. I read from time to time the feedback from a couple of users, who are claiming printer issues after installing updats – but it's not a broad issue. If I become aware, I will post a hint.

  20. Jim Coolbaugh says:

    I am having a different problem that I can't seem to identify with any particular service level. I can no longer print crosswords or sudokus full page. Used to work fine, but now they end up coming out about 1/4 size. Doesn't matter what site I use to get them from, they don't print full page. This started a week or so ago. I'm current on service on WIN 10…and use Firefox.

  21. Daniel says:

    I have had this problem, and it took me several months to resolve it. Here are the specific symptoms and the fix procedure

    1/ Symptom: the printing starts but, if there are many pages, it stops short after 2 or 3 pages have printed, often in the middle of a page, and the printer queue shows a printing error. So does the printer.

    For reference, my environment is Windows 7 SP1 64 bits. The problem and the solution were identical on 3 different computers running this configuration

    2/ I tried to reinstall the driver for my printers (Epson L555 and ET-3750) but that did not resolve the problem

    3/ I then became aware, thanks to this post, of the Microsoft update having created this problem. I therefore tried to install all the recent windows updates. But Windows Update was failing to install KB4516065 ("unknown error") and would not therefore install any subsequent updates . That held me up for several weeks

    4/ I finally discovered (on internet, Microsoft does not document this bug) that, in order for KB4516065 installation to succeed, a prerequisite is to have KB4490628 installed. Which, for some reason, was not the case on my systems

    5/ I therefore downloaded KB4490628 ( and applied it manually by double-cliking the downloaded file.

    6/ That unlocked Windows Update, which I subsequently ran repeatedly until my computers' Windows version was fully up-to-date

    7/ I tried printing a long document and that STILL did not work

    8/ I then re-installed the printer drivers, from the most recent version on Epson site and, MIRACLE, everything started to work just fine

    To summarize: a/ bring Windows to be fully up-to-date, overcoming any roadblock and b/ reinstall the printer drivers from the most recent downloadable version

    Sounds simple but, with the Microsoft Update malfunction in the way, it turned out to be hard (and long) to find

    I hope this will help somebody

  22. Pingback: Windows: Printer issues after Sept. 2019 Update confirmed - Find Solutions By Prashika

  23. Kim Nilsson says:

    There is a fix out now!
    Just used it yesterday to fix the systems here at home.
    Check this comment to see the name of the KBs for your version ow Windows 10.

  24. Rick Derrick says:

    KB4524147 for Windows 10 v1903 created the problem.
    I had to remove it for making spooler working

    Rick Derrick
    ***SEO link removed ***

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